Cat Companion

Cats – The Purrfect Companion?

Considering having a cat at home? It will depend on you throughout its life – around 15 years with proper care – so properly budget for visits to the vets and other costs before making a decision to get a cat. You have to budget for cat food, cat litter and scoops and other accessories to make the cat’s life comfortable at your home. Kitten or adult? A difficult choice since th...

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Cats Vaccination

Your Cat's First Vet Visit

So you've got a new cat, and she needs a checkup. On your first vet visit, your vet will take the lead and give you some basic information, and probably will go through a fairly standard routine. Upwards of 90% of the information you need, however, will be based on ...

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Cat Carriers

Cat Carriers For Safety

Some people may deem it cruel to cage up your cat it's actually a matter of safety for both you and your cat. For example if you were driving and your cat suddenly jumped on to you, or it got trapped underneath your feet and the brake this could cause a serious accident.

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Cat Archive